A platform dedicated to promoting all women involved in Romanian motorsports

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"There are already a number of highly successful women working in our sport, but we also need to invest in the future and encourage the younger generation to view it as a world of equal opportunities."
– Michèle Mouton
"There are already a number of highly successful women working in our sport, but we also need to invest in the future and encourage the younger generation to view it as a world of equal opportunities."
– Michèle Mouton


Motorsport is one of the few sports which doesn’t evaluate and classify performance on a gender based criteria. Men and women are equally involved and women are already successful as drivers, but also in other roles as officials, organizers, team managers, PR, photographers, engineers, journalists etc. Still the mass-media and the public see women in motorsport as an exception, and the message this sends is contrary to sportsmanship and the values motorsport should inspire.

“Femei în Motorsport” is a non-profit initiative which promotes women involved in Romanian motorsports, active or part of our sporting history, thus encouraging a culture which facilitates women involvement in all areas of our domain. The project aims to empower a better representation of women in motorsport and beyond, in other domains such as engineering, journalism and automotive. It was founded in 2019 by rally driver Cristiana Oprea and since then it has received several awards and nominations for promoting gender equality in Romanian motorsport.


Motorsport is one of the few sports which doesn’t evaluate and classify performance on a gender based criteria. Men and women are equally involved and women are already successful as drivers, but also in other roles as officials, organizers, team managers, PR, photographers, engineers, journalists etc. Still the mass-media and the public see women in motorsport as an exception, and the message this sends is contrary to sportsmanship and the values motorsport should inspire.

“Femei în Motorsport” is a non-profit initiative which promotes women involved in Romanian motorsports, active or part of our sporting history, thus encouraging a culture which facilitates women involvement in all areas of our domain. The project aims to empower a better representation of women in motorsport and beyond, in other domains such as engineering, journalism and automotive. It was founded in 2019 by rally driver Cristiana Oprea and since then it has received several awards and nominations for promoting gender equality in Romanian motorsport.

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Aliman Alina

Iocsak Natalia

Teslovan Alexandra

Aliman Alina

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1. Database
Building a public online database with all women involved in Romanian motorsport.
Members can easily register on the platform by completing the form available on the website. We also welcome women who were involved in the past because we believe knowing our motorsport history is essential for promoting and developing future generations.
4. Network drivers & sponsors
Facilitating the connection between drivers and sponsors through the online platform and dedicated events.
Each member can display her contact information (website, email, social media) to make it easier for potential sponsors or agencies to get in touch. Interested brands can ask for more informations through the contact form available on the website.
2. Promote
Promotiong active members by publishing their press releases, making interviews or sharing news through social media and the FIM newsletter.
To be published on the website, members can send any news related to their activity via email on contact@femeiinmotorsport.ro. Press releases and interviews will be shared with other relevant news channels.
5. Dedicated events
Organizing networking events dedicated to women in motorsport and potential sponsors. Facilitating the acces into various local or regional events for multidisciplinary development.
FIA programmes, online trainings, conferences, communication workshops, automotive, sport & wellness events, road safety events etc.
3. Mass-media relations
Building a healthy relationship with the mass-media by communicating relevant informations about women involved in motorsports.
Accessibility to relevant and accurate information is essential for a correct information of the public, but also for promoting equal opportunities in motorsport. Accesibilitatea nemărginită la informațiile legate de femeile implicate în motorsport este esențială pentru o informare corectă a publicului larg, dar și pentru promovarea egalității oportunităților în motorsport.
6. Authentic role models
Promoting authentic role models, relevant for younger generations. Supporting road safety edducation programmes by showcasing relevant examples for drivers (1/3 Romanian drivers are women).
“Femei în Motorsport” aims to help develop social and educational programmes, not only to encourage women to get involved into motorsports, but also to raise awareness for road safety issues with the help of institutions and brands involed in the automotive domain.
1. Database
Building a public online database with all women involved in Romanian motorsport.
Members can easily register on the platform by completing the form available on the website. We also welcome women who were involved in the past because we believe knowing our motorsport history is essential for promoting and developing future generations.
2. Promote
Promotiong active members by publishing their press releases, making interviews or sharing news through social media and the FIM newsletter.
To be published on the website, members can send any news related to their activity via email on contact@femeiinmotorsport.ro. Press releases and interviews will be shared with other relevant news channels.
3. Mass-media relations
Building a healthy relationship with the mass-media by communicating relevant informations about women involved in motorsports.
Accessibility to relevant and accurate information is essential for a correct information of the public, but also for promoting equal opportunities in motorsport. Accesibilitatea nemărginită la informațiile legate de femeile implicate în motorsport este esențială pentru o informare corectă a publicului larg, dar și pentru promovarea egalității oportunităților în motorsport.
4. Network drivers & sponsors
Facilitating the connection between drivers and sponsors through the online platform and dedicated events.
Each member can display her contact information (website, email, social media) to make it easier for potential sponsors or agencies to get in touch. Interested brands can ask for more informations through the contact form available on the website.
5. Dedicated events
Organizing networking events dedicated to women in motorsport and potential sponsors. Facilitating the acces into various local or regional events for multidisciplinary development.
FIA programmes, online trainings, conferences, communication workshops, automotive, sport & wellness events, road safety events etc.
6. Authentic role models
Promoting authentic role models, relevant for younger generations. Supporting road safety edducation programmes by showcasing relevant examples for drivers (1/3 Romanian drivers are women).
“Femei în Motorsport” aims to help develop social and educational programmes, not only to encourage women to get involved into motorsports, but also to raise awareness for road safety issues with the help of institutions and brands involed in the automotive domain.


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Development directions

FIA Women in Motorsport Commission

“Femei în Motorsport” follows the FIA Women in Motorsport recommendations. One of the long term objectives is helping Romanian women in motorsport access FIA Training Programmes.
  • Deliver practical seminars for Officials & Volunteers
  • Identify role models & ambassadors
  • Develop local programmes highlighting opportunities
  • Develop young driver detection programmes
  • Network drivers & sponsors
  • Create social media platforms & communities
  • Provide examples of career opportunities
  • Promotional materials that reflect equal opportunities 

Development directions

FIA Women in Motorsport Commission

“Femei în Motorsport” follows the FIA Women in Motorsport recommendations. One of the long term objectives is helping Romanian women in motorsport access FIA Training Programmes.
  • Deliver practical seminars for Officials & Volunteers
  • Identify role models & ambassadors
  • Develop local programmes highlighting opportunities
  • Develop young driver detection programmes
  • Network drivers & sponsors
  • Create social media platforms & communities
  • Provide examples of career opportunities
  • Promotional materials that reflect equal opportunities 


If you have any questions or collaboration ideas please contact us using the form below.


    If your are a woman involved in Romanian motorsports or you want to recommend someone who should be a part of our platform (an active member or somebody from motorsport history), please follow the next steps:
    1. Download the membership form
    2. Complete the form (some info is optional, write only what you want to be seen public on the platform)
    3. Choose between 2-20 representative images (minimum one profile picture with your face visible)
    4. Send the form and the images via email on contact@femeiinmotorsport.ro with the subject "Membership". 

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    If your are a woman involved in Romanian motorsports or you want to recommend someone who should be a part of our platform (an active member or somebody from motorsport history), please follow the next steps:
    1. Download the membership form
    2. Complete the form (some info is optional, write only what you want to be seen public on the platform)
    3. Choose between 2-20 representative images (minimum one profile picture with your face visible)
    4. Send the form and the images via email on contact@femeiinmotorsport.ro with the subject "Membership". 

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    If you have any questions or collaboration ideas please contact us using the form below.

      Cristiana Oprea is the founder and administrator of the platform "Femei în Motorsport" Romania.
      Find out more