Motorsport is one of the few sports which doesn’t evaluate and classify performance on a gender based criteria. Men and women are equally involved and women are already successful as drivers, but also in other roles as officials, organizers, team managers, PR, photographers, engineers, journalists etc. Still the mass-media and the public see women in motorsport as an exception, and the message this sends is contrary to sportsmanship and the values motorsport should inspire.
“Femei în Motorsport” is a non-profit initiative which promotes women involved in Romanian motorsports, active or part of our sporting history, thus encouraging a culture which facilitates women involvement in all areas of our domain. The project aims to empower a better representation of women in motorsport and beyond, in other domains such as engineering, journalism and automotive. It was founded in 2019 by rally driver Cristiana Oprea and since then it has received several awards and nominations for promoting gender equality in Romanian motorsport.
“Femei în Motorsport” is a non-profit initiative which promotes women involved in Romanian motorsports, active or part of our sporting history, thus encouraging a culture which facilitates women involvement in all areas of our domain. The project aims to empower a better representation of women in motorsport and beyond, in other domains such as engineering, journalism and automotive. It was founded in 2019 by rally driver Cristiana Oprea and since then it has received several awards and nominations for promoting gender equality in Romanian motorsport.